Chicago Fire Recap 05/01/24: Season 12 Episode 9 "Something About Her"

Tonight on NBC Chicago Fire returns with an all-new Wednesday, May 1, 2024, season 12 episode 9 called, “The Wrong Guy” and we have your Chicago Fire recap below.

In tonight’s Chicago Fire season 12 episode 9 as per the NBC synopsis, “Severide steps in as ranking officer at 51. Kidd fights to save her Girls on Fire program. Cruz’s family is threatened when someone from Javi’s past resurfaces.”

Tonight’s Chicago Fire season 12 episode 9 looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it.   While you’re waiting for our recap, check out all our Chicago Fire recaps, news, spoilers & more, right here!

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In tonight’s Chicago Fire episode, Herrmann recently learned he could track his kids with their cell phones. He found out about it because he got his youngest son a cell phone. This was the same kid he accidentally left waiting for him for three hours and so they got him the phone to use in emergencies.

Herrmann’s teenage daughter thought it was unfair. She had to wait until she was thirteen to get a phone. She knew her little brother was going to be playing with it. She also warned him to never track her on her phone. Cindy overheard the conversation and she reassured everyone that they are not a tracking family. And Herrmann would disagree about that.

Now that he knows he can track them, he was tempted to track them. His kids were a bit of a handful. His wife was getting back on her feet after cancer. Herrmann did his best to hold down the home front and his best came up short.

He needed every device he could find. Herrmann never got a chance to discuss it with his friends first thing because they got called out to an accident. There was this car that managed to come off the road and into a building. It wasn’t even on the first floor. It was half suspended in midair and on the second floor. They had to go in to rescue the guy.

Kidd was doing that when the car started to move. They were dangling. It looked like they might crash back to the ground floor. She had to free the driver and then they got out while they still could. The car did eventually fall. They were all glad when no one was left inside. It was all caught on a news camera by the way and so they wanted to interview Kidd afterwards.

She let them interview the new guy instead. He was really cute. His face was made for camera. She let a good opportunity go by because she wasn’t good with the interviews and she regretted that later on.

Kidd later learned that CFD was cutting back on her program, “Girls On Fire”. She had just got a new group of girls in. She was hoping to foster a love of firefighting in them. She couldn’t do that if her budget gets slashed or the program soon disappears if its deemed too expensive.

Kidd needed to build up community love for the program. She was figuring out how when Herrmann approached Ritter. He asked the young buck about actually tracking his kids’ phones. He didn’t see the point at first because he thought in case something happens that they could always call 911.

It took the resident goofballs to remind him that anything can happen in an accident. They could injure their arms or get abducted by a sicko. Herrmann was so frightened that he asked Ritter to use his phone to track his kids. His one condition was that Cindy never find out about it. Cindy said they weren’t a tracking family and Herrmann didn’t really understand that one. He was very much into tracking. He learned a lot about his kids. He learned that one of them gets home from school late. Herrmann doesn’t understand why because he’s not in any programs at school.

Herrmann found out the many of his kids spend way too long on the internet. He tried complaining to Violet and she wasn’t in the mood to hear him out. She tried to give Novak the new girl a permanent position at Firehouse 51. Only Novak turned it down. She wants to remain a floater.

It gives her the chance to occasional work with her friends at the other houses and so she wanted to leave her options open. She also didn’t want to tie herself down forever. She wanted to be a free agent.

It sucks because Novak was a great paramedic. Violet likes working with her. She talked to Carver about it. He said that she doesn’t put herself out there.

She should have told Novak that she wants to keep her on permanently. She should have invited Novak to Molly’s like she genuinely wanted her there. Violet still misses Brett and so she was holding herself back. Only she should get to know Novak. Not just the horror stories. She should find out about Novak’s interests and genuinely befriend her. And that’s what will convince her to stay at 51.

Cruz meanwhile heard from the social worker. The one that handled Javi’s adoption. Javi’s biological uncle changed his mind about meeting Javi and he has a legal right to contest the adoption.

He doesn’t want to do the latter. He just wants to meet Javi. He still has the legal right though to challenge the adoption if he changes his mind. The social worker thought it best that Cruz get to know Dennis Mejia. Maybe Dennis would see that Javi was in a good home and wouldn’t be a problem for that.

The social worker proved to be wrong. The uncle tried to extort Cruz. He demanded fifty grand or he was going to take Javi back to Honduras. Cruz tried to report it to the social worker.

She still said their hands were tied with a biological relative. She said that Dennis wanted to meet his brother’s son. There was just one problem with that. Javi never met his father. His mother took his father’s name to the grave with him. His only living uncle was from his mother’s side. Not his father’s. This “Dennis” was a fake.

There was whole ring with people pretending to be family members of unaccompanied minors. They waited until they got adopted and then they tried to extorted the adopted families.

They weren’t real family members. Cruz found out about it when he called the cops. They set a trap for the fraudster. He was arrested the moment he got a check. The check was thankfully a fake and so Cruz doesn’t have to worry about anything. They could also put an end to the ring now that they have the fake Dennis.

Cruz was worried about telling Javi. He didn’t want to disappoint him. He knew that Javi would never meet the man again. Still, he felt it was important to be honest. He told his son everything and Javi took it well. Javi was happy with his parents. He has a real family now. He doesn’t want to let that go. Herrmann also got caught by his wife.

His wife confiscated their daughter’s phone. She still had it in her purse when she met with a friend at a restaurant right in front of a weed dispensary.

Herrmann went rushing in thinking his daughter was buying drugs.

All he found was an angry wife. She told him that he’s not allowed to track the kids and that there will be consequences for him at home. That proved to be a flip phone. He couldn’t do anything with a flip phone.

They were practically useless. But Damon the new floater was helpful. He got Kidd another interview with the news. She talked all about her program. She got a call from the new DC that the program wasn’t going to be cut. They got all the funding they needed to keep going. And something about the new guy wasn’t sitting right with Carver.

Carver ignored it because he thought he was still reeling from Gibson. Only he was right. Damon was hiding something and it involved Severide.

And Violet put herself out there with Novak. She told her that she’s an amazing paramedic and that she hopes to keep working with her.

