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Celebrities are just like us. At least that is what they want us to believe. Several celebrities have come out to admit that they too gained the COVID twenty over the last year and that they had to work hard to get back into shape. Will Smith is even doing a six-part YouTube docuseries on his journey to getting fit. Now Mr. Fit himself, Channing Tatum, is admitting that he got “pretty fat” at the beginning of lockdown. Appearing on Jimmy Fallon, Channing discussed how he spent lockdown riding dirt bikes and throwing back beers which led to him adding a bit of pudge to his normally rock hard bod. Below are a few highlights from his interview via People:

“For the first week or two weeks, I definitely was just drinking beers and riding dirt bikes but I was like, ‘I can’t do this for two months. This is bad,’ ” said Tatum.

The Magic Mike star went on to say he and a friend “just went really, really hard” after that, in terms of “training every day.”

“And it was great — I mean, I came out a completely new person,” he said.

“How big did you get drinking beers and riding dirt bikes? Fallon, 46, asked his guest.

“Pretty fat. I would say, you know, college 10 — a nice 10 lbs. And then I took it off,” Tatum said.

The host then held up a black-and-white photo of Tatum that the actor had previously shared on Instagram back in September: a shirtless selfie showing off his fit frame.

“It’s like looking in a mirror,” Fallon joked.

[From People]

Ok I know I shouldn’t laugh but it is hysterical that “pretty fat” to Channing is gaining ten pounds. Dude, the average American gained two pounds a month during the last year. Ten pounds is bloating. I am glad he is health conscious but that is hilarious. It is possible however that he could have gained more weight if he didn’t have to get in shape for his movie, Dog, where he plays a ex Army Ranger.The struggle has been absolutely real this past year due to the lockdowns, quarantines, and general fear of catching COVID. I joined the gym a couple of weeks ago. I went one day and decided to cancel my membership because I am just not ready to be around people in enclosed spaces yet. Instead, I ordered some home equipment and saved several Youtube videos. I plan to work out at home and go on walks two to three times a week. Until the majority of the population gets vaccinated, I honestly don’t feel safe going back to life as usual. Anyways, seeing people like Channing and Will struggle like us normies has made me feel slightly smug. Don’t judge me. What can I say? I’m petty.

Here’s that interview:

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