Emma Roberts is promoting her holiday movie, Holdiate, with Luke Bracey. Unfortunately, it’s getting mediocre reviews. However, Emma has other things to focus on, like the baby boy she’s expecting with boyfriend Garrett Hedlund. She’s due, I think, early spring. Emma spoke with Glamour as part of her promo rounds. It was kind of a fluff piece, mostly product endorsements and basic preggo questions. With it being Friday and everything coming up next week, I’m pretty good with a good old-fashioned fluff piece. Needless to say, much of the interview focused on food and self-care. Emma said her focus cravings-wise has been on cupcakes and ice-cream.

Her favorite apps: I’m spending too much time on Instagram, that’s for sure, and just ordering too much food on Caviar these days. But I’m also a secret Tumblr lover. I love Tumblr, which is something people don’t know about me—I have six followers on a Tumblr account no one knows is me. It’s my happy space.

Her favorite pregnancy product: There’s this line called Erbaviva that I love. They do really gorgeous, sustainable products for during pregnancy—body oils and stuff that I really love.

Her pregnancy cravings: Sprinkles cupcakes have been my obsession. I love cupcakes in general, but for some reason Sprinkles during my pregnancy, during the pandemic. I can’t enough of them. Salt & Straw ice cream too. They have a Halloween flavor called The Great Candycopia, which—it’s been a problem how much I’ve been eating it.

[From Glamour]

It’s funny, I’m reading all Emma’s answers thinking, oh yeah, me too and then I had to remind myself that I’m not pregnant, just stressed out. I hadn’t heard of the Caviar app, I assume by the name it’s fancy, why else name it Caviar? But I sure did become dependent on people bringing me food during quarantine – DoorDash, GrubHub, Slice, Instacart. I was *stunned* by my credit card bill. I mean, it was shocking (I have since reigned it in, I assure you). The Erbaviva oil Emma mentioned sounds nice and is pretty well priced. She slips in a couple of well-priced skin/self-care items, actually. She also talked about a Drunk Elephant serum. I’ve just discovered Drunk Elephant as a line and I really like it. I haven’t tried the serum she mentioned, but I use this one and I love it. Emma also references a lot of comfy clothes, but they were all pretty expensive.

The important part, of course, is the food. I have a confession to make, for which I hope you will forgive me: I do not get the excitement over Sprinkles cupcakes. I had them years ago when they first became all the rage and they didn’t do it for me at all. I haven’t had them since so maybe I would change my mind but I kind of doubt it. I do love cupcakes though. I prefer moist cupcakes, maybe that’s it, just a personal preference thing? I looked up the Salt & Straw ice cream Emma referenced and Holy Hannibal – you have to buy it in five pint increments for $65! Do you realize how quickly we cycle through ice cream in our house? I’d go broke. Still, their flavors look so good.




Photo credit: Instagram
